Georgia Bulldogs superfan Larry Dorne is using the holiday season as an opportunity to celebrate the University of Georgia. Located along Sweetbay Parkway in Hamilton, Dorne’s front lawn ignites into a synchronized holiday light display each year.

An elaborate dance of rhythmically shifting lights dazzle and amaze those driving by. Each sequence is uniquely choreographed to a theme, including Dorne’s now iconic Georgia Bulldogs display. The light displays run from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on week nights and until 10:30 p.m. on the weekend.

While the synchronized displays come equipped with outside surround sound, onlookers can also listen to each show’s synchronized music by tuning into 101.1 FM.


Posted by Listentotheselights Hamilton Ga on Saturday, December 2, 2023

Dorne uses the displays to raise money for FOCUS Ministries, a faith-based nonprofit that provides emotional, financial and educational programs to Harris County residents. In 2020 alone, the non-profit distributed 60,000 pounds of food and served over 10,000 individuals in the Food Pantry and Emergency Services ministries. A donation drop box for FOCUS Ministries has been set up at Dorne’s light display.

“We are located on 766 Sweetbay Parkway Hamilton, GA in the Sweetbay subdivision off Highway 27, only a few miles before Callaway Gardens fantasy in lights,” the “Listen to These Lights” Facebook page reported. “Tune your radios to 101.1 FM to hear the music. Or just step out the car and stand in front of the display to get the full impact of the show. Thanks, hope to see you all soon.”

The event page, however, did ask that onlookers not block nearby driveways or park on the lawns of Dorne’s neighbors while enjoying the light show.

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