The Georgia General Assembly at a glance for Thursday, Day 35 of the 2018 legislative session:

Campus speech: A House panel is scheduled to discuss legislation that its sponsor says will keep people from interrupting students and guests who have been invted to speak on college campuses. State Sen. William Ligon, R-Brunswick, who is sponsoring Senate Bill 339, has continuously argued the bill is needed in light of situations across the nation on college campuses where speakers, primarily conservatives, have been shouted down by critics. Several public college presidents have testified against the measure, calling the bill unnecessary.

Take two: House members delayed the debate of a bill targeting the state's opioid crisis, bumping it to Thursday. The House is expected to consider Senate Bill 357, which would create the Health Coordination and Innovation Council, composed of health agency heads from across the state, as well as a director of health care policy and strategic planning who would report directly to the governor.

On the record: "We should not have a policy that is going to even give the appearance of restricting content of free speech based on a viewpoint. ... We need to make sure that the policy for the use of taxpayer-funded facilities allows everyone, even people with whom we significantly differ, to be able to have their voices heard. Because that's what this place ought to be about."

—State Sen. Josh McKoon, R-Columbus, regarding this week's debate over the use of Liberty Plaza

Business days remaining in the 2018 legislative session: 5