The Cherokee County Board of Education has renewed its contract with Ninth District Opportunity Inc. to operate the Head Start and Pre-K program at the Ralph Bunche Center and Johnston Preschool.

“By engaging in this joint venture, the (district) provides critically-needed educational opportunities for 74 Head Start students,” staff said in an agenda report to the school board.

The program will be paid for with $423,433 in federal Head Start funds for staff salaries and benefits, and $433,578 in school district in-kind contributions – classroom and office space at the Bunche Center, 400 Belletta Drive, Canton; and classroom and complimentary space at Johnston Elementary School, 2031 E. Cherokee Drive, Woodstock, according to the district’s contract with Ninth District.

The contract runs from Oct. 1, 2019 to Sept. 30, 2020.