Cherokee County has agreed to continue as fiscal agent for the 2021 fiscal year of a $50,000 Georgia Family Connections Partnership Grant to Cherokee FOCUS, a social services agency serving young people and their families.

Federal grant funds are passed through the Georgia Department of Human Services and require no county match, staff told county commissioners.

In a letter to the county, Sonia Carruthers, executive director and CEO of the Holly Springs-based FOCUS, cited the organization’s work this year launching the Cherokee County Suicide Prevention Coalition; its hiring of an additional part-time staff member for its Drug Free Cherokee initiative; and its efforts to stay in touch with young clients through phone calls and Zoom classes during the COVID-19 crisis.

"We are currently working on some strategic planning to prepare for what we might see in the community post COVID-19," particularly as some high school seniors struggle to keep up as schools implement distance learning, Carruthers said. Information: