Donald Glover’s father, Donald Glover Sr., recently passed away, the Stone Mountain-native told fans during a “This is America” tour stop in Los Angeles.

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According to Entertainment Tonight, the FX "Atlanta" star, who performs musically under the name Childish Gambino, announced the news at The Forum this weekend. A fan shared video of the news on Reddit.

“I lost my father a couple weeks ago,” 35-year-old Glover is heard saying. “And I wanted to play him some of the new songs. But he didn’t want to hear them because he was like, ‘I know they’ll be great.’

“I’m not saying that to talk about music. I say that to talk about trust... That’s what love is. I hope you guys get to feel that kind of love and trust in your life.”

He then played “Riot” for the crowd.

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During the second show Sunday night, Glover alluded to the loss again.

"I lost a lot of good people," he said about 2018, according to Variety. "I know it's been a tough year for everybody, that's what's crazy. I wish I could change everything for everybody."

Glover’s father was known to be highly supportive, often tweeting and retweeting praise for his son on his account, adorably named @DonaldsDad.