Florida hunters capture 12-foot gator days after 11-foot catch

Florida hunters caught an 11-foot, 375-pound gator after a three-hour fight. (Photo: Allen Eyestone/The Palm Beach Post)

Florida hunters caught an 11-foot, 375-pound gator after a three-hour fight. (Photo: Allen Eyestone/The Palm Beach Post)

Four Florida hunters struggled to take down an 11-foot, 375-pound gator after a three-hour fight.

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Nick Naylor, John Booker, Kenny Way and Casey Shields began battling the massive gator beginning late Tuesday night and ended up with it under their control by Wednesday morning, according to the Pensacola News Journal.

They used a 40-pound test from a spinning reel to capture the animal, which was hanging out in the waters of Blackwater Bay below Interstate 10.

Then Thursday, the hunters snared a 12-foot 6-inch alligator in the same waters. This time it took them two hours to reel it in, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

Hunters are prohibited from using baited hooks, firearms or bang sticks when hunting gators. Each hunter is allowed to take two non-hatchling alligators.

Alligator hunting season in Florida began Tuesday. It was established in 1988 partially to help control the state’s 1.3 million alligator population, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission.

The state’s guide reads: “These special night hunts provide a thrilling, hands-on hunting adventure. Also, alligator meat is a delicious and healthy choice and the hide can be tanned and made into leather products.”