Educators know bad idea when they see it

I would advise Kyle Wingfield to step out of his bubble, and for once listen to what the “education monopoly” has to say (“Dear GOP: OSD aside, education needs fixes” Opinion, Nov. 20). Did it never occur to him that educators know a bad idea when they see one? And that they are the experts, not the GOP that pushed an amendment that would never do what it purported to do.

He set the OSD issue up as a them-versus-us argument, saying that the education establishment and teachers unions are not on the side of Georgia Republicans. For educators, this was not about “sides,” but rather about the well-being of our state’s children.

If legislators would stop telling educators what to do and would instead listen to them, they might be able to construct legislation that will really help the most-needy children. That means committees consisting mainly of educators and social workers, not business and government leaders. It means acknowledging that the classroom is only part of addressing the complex needs of children living in poverty, where student achievement suffers most.


Pitts doesn’t realize U.S. is tired of the left

Perhaps Leonard Pitts “anger” over recent election results prevents him from seeing how his party was complicit in their own defeat (“I can’t unite behind Trump,” Opinion, Nov. 20). The Democratic party is infected by the progressive left and ignored brown, black, and white working-class Americans who felt left out by their radical vision for our country.

Our nation works best when governed from the center regardless of whether a Democrat or Republican occupies the Oval Office, and the election results prove that America was tired of 8 years of President Obama’s attempt at “fundamentally transforming America” with an agenda fueled by the progressive left.

Republicans will suffer the same election results in four years if they try to take our country too far to the right, but for now, maybe Mr. Pitts and the Democratic Party should put aside any anger and start questioning the exclusionary agenda of the progressive left.