In this age where the world revolves around social media, it’s understandably hard not to immediately pull out the phone to take pictures or record video when something out of the ordinary happens.

But some people at Iowa State University took it to the extreme when they witnessed an SUV crash, landing on top of several park cars.

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Many people who saw the dramatic collision pulled out their phones, but not one of them called the police for help, The Star Tribune reported.

Instead, they all grabbed pictures and video to post to Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram.

"Unfortunately, nobody called this into our department. When officers arrived, there were multiple people standing around the scene taking pictures," the university's police department, ironically, wrote in a Facebook post.

According to police investigations, the SUV driver had lost control and landed on top of the vehicles parked next to the school’s Armory.

Thankfully, no one was hurt, but police are seriously concerned and warning about the lack of inaction on those who witnessed the accident.

Mobile users see tweet here.