A Memphis man was shot while celebrating his wife's birthday early Sunday morning.

April Watkins-Williams is a full-time Uber driver. But instead of working this weekend, she and her husband wanted to celebrate.

They went to The Orchid Club on Beale Street around 3 a.m. As they were trying to park, a man started yelling at them about the parking spot.

“Five to ten minutes later, he came back shooting,” Watkins-Williams said. “The guy just walked up, hoodie on, just unloaded on my car, my truck.”

Her husband was shot twice in the arm. His phone stopped another bullet from hitting him in the thigh.

The incident shook Watkins-Williams to the core. She fears for her six children, including three young boys.

“I have three male young black men, and I can’t let them be a product of this city,” April Watkins-Williams said.

As an Uber driver, she is now scared to be on the road late in the night.

“Every week lately here in Memphis, we have been seeing road rage,” she said. “We’ve decided we’re going to move to Nashville now. Nashville’s more profitable for my job, and it’s a better city.”

No arrests have been made in the shooting. They couple said the two men involved were in a black Chevy Impala.