While driving down the highway in Dunedin, Florida, a man saw a 6-foot snake slither onto his car's windshield.

Tim Mokwa, a Clearwater Beach resident, was caught in rush hour traffic on U.S. 19  when the snake came out from under his car hood, WTSP reports.

“He just popped his little head up right over here,” said Mokwa to WTSP. “If you look at his size, he was longer than the width of my car."

Mokwa said to WTSP once he saw the snake pop out, he courageously pulled into a Walmart parking lot and then filmed the giant reptile.

“In situations like that flipping out is exactly what you don’t want to do,” said Mokwa to WTSP. “The best thing you can do is just remain calm."

While Mokwa filmed the snake he said it "slithered his way back down there," but could still be inside the car. He closed the air-conditioning vents "to be safe," WTSP reports.

Posted by Tim Mokwa on Monday, October 17, 2016