Justin Ross Harris, the Cobb County man facing murder charges for leaving his 22-month-old son to die in the back of his broiling SUV, now also is facing the loss of his wife.
In spite of her divorce filing this week, though, Leanna Harris is still in her husband's corner, friends and others close to the family said. They say Leanna called her husband's family on Wednesday to tell them she planned to file and also to say that she still loved them and she still loved Ross. But she also said she needed to move on.
“It is a very sad situation for everyone involved,” friend Julia Apodaca-Lane told the AJC. “This obviously isn’t the place they wanted this to end up, and they have worked very hard to keep it from this.”
One question provoked by Leanna Harris' divorce filing: How will it affect the murder trial of Ross Harris, which is scheduled to begin April 11?
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