If you still haven’t been vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, DeKalb County has 100 reasons why should take care of that this weekend. The county is giving a $100 prepaid debit card to everyone who receives a COVID-19 vaccination on Saturday, Oct. 2, according to a press release.

From 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., DeKalb County Board of Health, Emory Healthcare and DeKalb County Fire Rescue will administer voluntary COVID-19 vaccinations to anyone 12 years of age and older at The Mall at Stonecrest, 2929 Turner Hill Road. All persons receiving a vaccination also will receive a $100 prepaid debit card.

MedCura Health also will offer free COVID-19 tests.

Recipients of the vaccination will be able to remain in their vehicles when receiving the shot. Walk-ups are also welcome.

COVID-19 vaccinations are free, however participants are asked to bring insurance information and a photo identification, if available. While participants will not be billed, an administration fee may be applied for Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance.

Everyone will have a choice of the Johnson & Johnson, Moderna or Pfizer vaccines.

Additionally, those who are eligible and have completed their primary Pfizer vaccine series can receive a booster shot at this event. Booster shots have not been approved at this time for those who received the Johnson & Johnson or Moderna vaccine.

As of Sept. 28 in DeKalb County, 379,696 residents, or 51 percent, are fully vaccinated, according to the Georgia Department of Public Health.

Information: www.dekalbhealth.net/covid-19-vaccine-information/