Cherokee County Master Gardeners offers in-person and online events as the growing season begins this spring.

For free, the next event will be “Totally Tantalizing Tomato Tips” from 10-11 a.m. April 22 at Encompass Ministries (Papa’s Pantry), 6551 Commerce Parkway, Woodstock.

Master Gardener Ron Fister will share his plans for a successful tomato crop every year.

Fister is a 45-year veteran of agriculture sales and marketing, with emphasis on increased production of row crops.

To register, visit

The next free event will be “Gardening for Birds: Using Plants and Nature to Attract Birds to Your Yard” from 10-11 a.m. May 6 at Canton Senior Center Demonstration Garden, Cherokee County Senior Services, 1001 Univeter Road, Canton.

Register for this event at

Along with past issues, the April/May newsletter may be viewed at