Do you know any of Cobb County’s 2018 teachers of the year?

These are the 2018 Cobb County teachers of the year, starting from the top left and going clockwise Rachael Sanford, Harrison High School; Fred Veeder, Dodgen Middle School; Dawn Harrell, Nickajack Elementary School.

Credit: Cobb County School District

Credit: Cobb County School District

These are the 2018 Cobb County teachers of the year, starting from the top left and going clockwise Rachael Sanford, Harrison High School; Fred Veeder, Dodgen Middle School; Dawn Harrell, Nickajack Elementary School.

Cobb County teachers came back to classrooms Wednesday, but something better than an apple awaited three.

Superintendent Chris Ragsdale surprised the teachers of the year for every school level. The winners are Harrison High’s Rachael Sanford, Dodgen Middle’s Fred Veeder and Nickajack Elementary’s Dawn Harrell.

Sanford teaches English to different grades, Veeder is a seventh-grade math teacher and Harrell is a special education teacher who is teaching a fifth-grade class this year.

Besides bragging rights, the teachers have a chance in the fall to pick out a new car to drive around for a year courtesy of Ed Voyles Automotive Group.

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Here’s a bit from each of the winners, provided by the county:

Dawn Harrell, a teacher for 13 years

“All of these emotions flooded out of me,” Harrell said. “I’m passionate about what I do. I love our teachers. I love our students. Whatever I can do to help a student, help a family, help the teachers, that’s what I’m willing to do.”

Fred Veeder, teaching at Dodgen for 15 years

“When he said my name, my head got light. I had chills. It was just an amazing feeling.”

Rachael Sanford, a teacher at Harrison for 12 years

“The students talk about enjoying being in my class, not just serving their academic needs, but their emotional needs and helping them be better citizens of the world.”

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