Sandy Springs recently approved two agreements with Georgia Power Company for aerial-to-underground utility relocation for the Johnson Ferry Road at Mt. Vernon Highway Project.
The project includes intersection improvements with a compressed grid design at Johnson Ferry Road, Mt. Vernon Highway and Boylston Road. The project is currently in final design, right-of-way acquisition, and utility coordination phases.
The city determined the utility coordination phase is an opportunity to highlight the planned Veterans Park, which will encompass the Roswell Road Triangle at the intersection of Johnson Ferry Road and Mt. Vernon Highway to the Sandy Springs Library.
To optimize the aesthetics of Veterans Park and to supplement the aerial-to-underground improvements already implemented for City Springs, Sandy Springs has coordinated with Georgia Power for the development of an “aerial-to-underground” plan for distribution lines and poles.
The TSPLOST-funded project is broken into four phases with the agreement costing $4,019,619 for Phases 1, 2, and 3 and $573,702 for Phase 4. Georgia Power has agreed that the total construction period will be 165 days.
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