The Gwinnett County Police Department is hosting “Operation Children Thrive,” to collect and provide students the supplies they need to start the 2021-22 school year. Donation boxes will be available at all police precincts, the Gwinnett Police Training Center and Gwinnett Police Headquarters 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday until July 16. Locations:

Items needed include neutral-colored backpacks, boxes of sharpened #2 pencils, boxes of blue/black ink pens, highlighters, dry erase markers, 2 pocket folders, crayons, safety scissors, glue sticks, pencil pouch, index cards, rulers, markers, 1-inch 3-ring binders, pink erasers and notebooks (composition and spiral), and hand sanitizer.

For anyone living closer to Snellville, the Evermore Community Improvement District office, 2795 Main Street West, Suite 28, will serve as a collection site Monday, July 12 through Friday, July 16.

In a joint effort, the South Precinct in Lilburn is working specifically to provide school supplies to students living in nearby extended stay hotels. They will accept school supply donations through the end of July. Any leftover supplies will be donated directly to local school systems. Information: Autumn Rogers at or 678-442-5049.