The colored bar shows which team was more discussed overall in the given time period. And scroll on the bottom to see a snapshot of #NFL related Tweets from each week.

Vox reports almost half of Seahawks 797,000 followers are from states other than their top two of Washington and California. The Patriots 1,180,00 Twitter followers spread across six states, but heavily in the New England region.

Twitter Data is showing users where Seahawks and Patriots fans are in the United States.

More popular and trending stories

An interactive by Twitter shows the most-mentioned #SB49 players on Twitter and top Tweets since the season began (9/4/14). Click here to see the interactive.

The colored bar shows which team was more discussed overall in the given time period. And scroll on the bottom to see a snapshot of #NFL related Tweets from each week.

Vox reports almost half of Seahawks 797,000 followers are from states other than their top two of Washington and California. The Patriots 1,180,00 Twitter followers spread across six states, but heavily in the New England region.