Matt Ryan on Jalen Ramsey: ‘He’s a great player’

Here’s what Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan had to say on Wednesday during his weekly press conference:

On getting back to practice this week: "I thought today was productive for us. Obviously a good football team we're going against this week, so it's going to require a really good week of practice for us. We've got to find a way to get the job done. The only way I know how to do it is to get back to work, get out on to the practice field and to attack the things that I think we can do better."

On team morale: "Man, all of those losses are tough. I think that's the mindset that you have. It doesn't matter if it's one point or 10 or 15 or whatever it is, they're tough to swallow. Part of being a professional is being able to move on and have the mindset that regardless of circumstances, you have to get yourself ready to play your best. That's the message to every guy on this team, is that we have to find a way individually to make sure we have our best performance Sunday. We have to keep our mindset on what's in front of us, as opposed to what's happened so far."

On the importance of getting the running game going last week: "I think it's huge. I think we're a better football team when we run the football. We're certainly a better offense when we run the football effectively. I thought we did a nice job with the run game last week. We stuck with it and we were effective when we used it. It certainly helps in terms of the pass game. You're able to get the play-action pass going, which was effective for us last week. That's the goal for us every week, is to be balanced and to have whatever we want to do at our disposal."

On Coach Quinn navigating through this season: "He's been awesome. He is so consistent day in and day out. You know exactly what you can expect from him. His message is always different, but it's fresh and it hits home to where we're at as a team. He's done that the entire time that I've been with him and he's been here. He's been great. He is day in and day out, high energy, focused on the opponent and what we need to do that week to get a win. I think the guys really appreciate that from him."

On how Coach Quinn manages his consistency through the rough start to the season: "Obviously, we'd all prefer to be in here on Mondays and Wednesdays and through the week after wins, but he's real about it. I think that's what people appreciate. It's okay to be frustrated, it's okay to be pissed off when you don't get the job done, but you've got to use it to your advantage. You've got to use it so you're productive with it. That's a message that he's consistent with. I've always been impressed with him with that."

On Jalen Ramsey changing the game plan against the Rams:
"Obviously, he's a great player. Talented in the backend, really good ball skills and aggressive. As far as changing it, I mean, they've had good corners there before too. I don't know. We'll see if their scheme is a little bit different or if they try and adjust anything as we get to the game. I don't think that it will change who they are as a defense. I think they're pretty consistent with who they are and what they believe in. Wade Phillips has been that way throughout my entire career. Very consistent, very good football coach."

On whether or not his improvements on offense make the losses more frustrating for him: "I don't think so. I think it's always frustrating when you don't get the job done. Our role and my role is, however the game shakes out, find a way to score one more point than they do, regardless of it's ten or 30 or 40, whatever that may be, you've got to get the job done. We're certainly disappointed with how it's gone, but remain confident that we can get this thing turned around."

On his experiences playing against Aaron Donald: "I wouldn't say my experience has been positive. He's a great player and very physical on the inside. He's excellent against the run game and he's excellent against the pass. He's one of those guys that you have to tailor your game plan to account for where he's at. They do a great job of moving him around. For us, I think it's going to be important to communicate really well, make sure we're all on the same page as they move him around to different spots, understanding where he's at and what calls we need to make to adjust to that."

On whether or not he's learned anything about himself as a leader: "I think you're always learning as a player, as a leader. Your team is always different, what guys need from you is always different. I think I'm constantly evaluating what's going on around me, what's going on in the locker room, what guys might need in terms of help for a specific week. I think that's a constant process… leadership. I think flexibility is important. You have to be able to adapt and adjust to the circumstances and to the guys that are around you."

On not practicing in pads today: "You'll have to talk to Dan [Quinn] about that, he makes those calls. He usually has a good pulse for the team of what we need."

On whether or not there is an increased sense of urgency: "I feel like it's been pretty high, I really do. My mindset has to be the same every week. Regardless of the circumstances, you have to get yourself as prepared as you possibly can and give yourself the best chance to go play well. I try and take that same level of urgency every week. Dan [Quinn] calls it 'championship level prep.' That's what we preach all the time here as a team, is that every week we have to treat the same, as a championship level opportunity."


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