Krugman’s mindset devoid of personal responsibility

In reading Paul Krugman’s latest assault on Trumpcare, there are two points he makes in this article that basically sums up the liberal philosophy of government-run health care, “Trump is sabotaging your health care because of spite,” Opinion, July 24. He mentions that the simplest way for people to be assured of health care is for the government to pay their bills directly. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Let’s just let the government pay for it. Oops, I forgot the people (taxpayers) are the government and we are the ones paying the bill. His next ridiculous statement concerns Medicaid. He believes it just unthinkable that the administration would allow the states to impose work requirements on Medicaid recipients. Heaven forbid. Require an able-bodied citizen to actually work to receive a government benefit? In his liberal mindset, that would be akin to torture. My God, whatever happened to personal responsibility?


Guest columnist right about health care

Thank you for printing Jack Bernard’s op-ed advocating Medicare for all (“World showing way forward on health care,” Opinion, July 22). As one of the lucky seniors who has received Medicare benefits since hitting 65, I am grateful every day for the peace of mind this health insurance program gives me.

Examining health care systems in single-payer countries, Bernard shows us that Medicare for all would dramatically cut per capita health care expenses, reducing them by nearly one-half compared with Canada! On important measures, citizens in single-payer countries report higher satisfaction with care, without the health care-related financial problems faced by one-third of Americans — an unacceptable statistic.

This is the time to finally establish health care as a right, just as every other industrialized country has already done. The way forward is to provide Medicare, not just for seniors like myself, but for all our citizens.