Congress needs to be reformed

I watched the Democratic press conference last week that dealt with reforming the political process. I applaud this effort and the recognition that our nation will not make progress until there is real reform. The types of reform presented at the press conference are certainly areas I agree with. Unfortunately, this committee has left off a very important area of reform. That is reform of the procedures of Congress. One crucial example is the seniority system. The seniority system places disproportionate amounts of power in the hands of those who have been in Congress a long time. Because those who have been in Congress a long time come mostly, if not exclusively, from “safe” districts, they tend to be members whose views are on the end of the right-left spectrum. This contributes to the inability of the parties to compromise. Furthermore, it acts as a deterrent to people who might want to serve in office but don’t want to spend years there. I ask that Congresswoman Pelosi and Congressman Sarbanes created a subcommittee dedicated to reforming the procedures in Congress so that Congress works for the good of Americans.


Marietta should play by the rules

In reference to “Should Marietta seize grocery for parkland?,” News, July 16: Where’s the outrage?

Residents should demand that city officials play by the rules. What message does it send when government officials get to interpret the law as they chose.

Ironically, the 2006 Landowner’s Bill of Rights was revised with provisions, policies and procedures to avoid litigation. Moving forward, I would encourage the City of Marietta to create a separate web portal that defines the eminent domain process and provides property owners with electronic access to property value appraisals and other needed information.

Transparency is much more than a buzzword, it should be an everyday practice for Marietta leaders.