The Gwinnett County Transit Review Committee, a group of residents representing a wide range of the community, along with input from county commissioners, has submitted a list of 99 transit projects to the Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority for approval. The public is invited to share their views on the proposed projects by May 22.
The ATL Board of Directors will consider the public comments when it evaluates Gwinnett’s list at its June 4 meeting. If accepted by The ATL Board, these projects could be eligible for a future transit referendum placed before Gwinnett voters.
The variety of transit improvements include heavy rail, Bus Rapid Transit and Rapid Bus, enhanced and expanded local and commuter service, on-demand Micro-transit and Paratransit service, van pool and transportation network company subsidies, and pedestrian improvements to connect citizens to transit stops and stations.
There are several ways to provide feedback. Learn more:
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