Polls open in Cobb County to long lines of voters with many opinions

A line of about 50 voters wait at 6:45 a.m. on Election Day at the Cobb County Civic Center.

Credit: Ben Brasch

Credit: Ben Brasch

A line of about 50 voters wait at 6:45 a.m. on Election Day at the Cobb County Civic Center.

The polls at the Cobb County Civic Center opened right at 7 a.m. to a line of nearly 70 people.

In an already record year for early voting, the line was at about 40 people half an hour before the polls opened.

Opinions about presidential candidates and local down-ballot decisions varied. Some stomped away in anger when they realized they were at the wrong polling place.

Arthur Green, 46, was the second person in line at the civic center when the doors opened. Green moved to Cobb County from Chicago five years ago because there was more work for him as an electrician.

He said he voted for Hillary Clinton for her decades of experience and because of Donald Trump's opinions.

"I think he has a lot of racist views," Green said. "The man has no leadership skills."

Green said he voted against the Opportunity School District amendment because he doesn't trust the government interfering with schools.

Kevin Liefert, 65, said he felt change was also needed in the schools, which is why he voted for the OSD amendment.

As for the presidential race, he said he didn't want Clinton in the White House again because he feels she's corrupt and has socialist tendencies, so he voted for Trump.

"He's more honest," Liefert said of Trump. "He's going to make changes."

Liefert said the fact that Trump hasn't held elected office would be a positive.

"He won't be obligated to anybody," Liefert said.