Norwood to seek recount in Atlanta mayor's race

Atlanta mayoral candidate Mary Norwood will formally request a recount of last week's runoff result, possibly as soon as Monday, her campaign manager said Sunday.

Norwood has until 5 p.m. Tuesday to file paperwork with Fulton County, which managed the city's elections, to seek a recount.

Candidates who finish less than 1 percent behind the first-place finisher can request a recount. Kasim Reed beat Norwood by 715 votes out of 84,383 ballots cast, a difference of 0.84 percent. The result was certified Saturday.

Norwood campaign manager Roman Levit said the campaign is waiting for additional data from Fulton County before filing the recount request. Levit declined to specify what information the Norwood camp is seeking.

Although Levit said the Norwood campaign has discussed some "basic concerns" about last week's election, he said Norwood does not want to prolong the transition process for the new mayor.

"Mary wants to make sure when this is over, we can bring the city together," Levit said.

Fulton County elections officials have said the recount should take about six hours.

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