Many of us grew up hearing phrases like, "kill two birds with one stone" or "beat a dead horse," but now People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants us to stop using what it calls anti-animal language.
PETA offered more animal-friendly phrases to use in place of those that the animal rights group argues "perpetuate violence toward animals."
Instead of saying "bring home the bacon," PETA suggests using the phrase "bring home the bagels."
The organization also says people should stop saying "kill two birds with one stone," and say "feed two birds with one scone" instead.
"While these phrases may seem harmless, they carry meaning and can send mixed signals to students about the relationship between humans and animals and can normalize abuse," the group wrote on its website.
This is not the first time PETA has made a statement about animals.
Months ago, the group announced it would erect a billboard on a New Mexico interstate where four cows were killed after a semi hauling the animals rolled over.
Before that, activists wanted to put a 5-foot memorial along Route 1 in Brunswick, Maine after lobsters were killed when a truck carrying 70 crates of the live crustaceans overturned.
And over the summer, PETA targeted seafood lovers in Maryland, putting up a billboard of a crab with the caption, "I'm me, not meat" during the Baltimore Seafood Festival.
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