One of two beloved horses reported stolen from a Henry County home showed up Friday in South Carolina, police said.

The family said thieves cut a hole in a backyard fence earlier this week and lured away a 23-year-old former race horse named "Henry" and a 14-year-old quarter horse named "Buddy" from a Locust Grove pasture.

Samantha McGinnis said someone saw the story on Channel 2 Action News and called the number on the flyer.

“He called us that night and we verified it was (Buddy),” McGinnis said.

The man who found the horse asked to remain anonymous because he was about to buy Buddy when he realized he was stolen, McGinnis said.

McGinnis, her fiance, her mother and two of her mother’s friends went to Commerce to pick up their horse, but they aren’t ready to bring Buddy home.

“We just don’t feel it’s safe,” McGinnis said.

Henry police are investigating the man who allegedly tried to sell Buddy, but McGinnis said she worries time is of the essence for finding Henry.

“There are auctions all over the place,” she said about the horse she called a best friend while growing up.

Buddy was found uninjured, but McGinnis said she thinks someone may have tried to tattoo over the upper lip tattoo.

VIDEO: Henry County family desperate to find two stolen horses