Oregano Latin Bar & Grill in Buford needs to give more attention to the hot empanadas and cheese bread sold at the restaurant at 1605 Buford Highway.

A repeat violation of not keeping track of the time these freshly cooked items are out of the safe temperature range led to a failing score of 58/U on a recent health inspection.

In addition, beef and chicken empanadas in the freezer and cooler had no date markings. An open container of pre-cooked shrimp was also not date-marked in storage.

The restaurant also had a repeat violation of removing foods from original containers and not labeling the new container. The inspector said at least a dozen sauce containers were unlabeled in the prep cooler.

Among other violations, dishes, containers and bowls were stacked wet. Glass was missing from the front prep cooler with a trash bag taped in its place.

Oregano Latin Bar & Grill will be re-inspected.