Sandy Springs recently awarded a $2.5 million paving contract to Blount Construction Company, Inc. to continue the city’s Pavement Management Program.

“Well maintained roads are very important to the citizens of Sandy Springs,” said Mayor Rusty Paul. “I’m delighted we are making this additional investment to provide safe and reliable roadways throughout the city.”

The city employed MDS Technologies, Inc. to review the condition of city-owned streets and recommended a list of streets for resurfacing based on these findings.

Blount will perform all of the subsurface, resurfacing, striping, and related work on the approved streets, as well as the streets that were deferred from the FY2020 and FY2021 resurfacing contracts.

Material testing will be provided by a separately contracted consultant to help ensure a high level of quality assurance and consistent materials through an independent reviewing authority.

View schedule for resurfacing: comprehensive list of roads.