Carter Center invites public to help celebrate Jimmy Carter’s 99th birthday

President Carter turns 99 on October 1

Credit: WSBTV Videos

People honor President Jimmy Carter at Carter Center

Georgia’s own Jimmy Carter, 39th president of the United States, will turn 99 in October. To celebrate, the Carter Center — an organization founded by the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter to provide “alleviation of human suffering” — has invited the public to send their birthday wishes.

People can share their “birthday greetings, memories and messages of love” with the former president by uploading a photo or video on the center’s site. The submissions will be combined to form a unique mosaic to honor the occasion.

“Add a favorite photo, whether it’s a personal memory or a snapshot from a historical moment,” the center advised. “Or share an appropriate photo/video of yourself, a favorite place, quote, or piece of original art.

“Together, let’s create a mosaic of images that reflect his incredible life and legacy — and celebrate his 99 years. We can’t wait to see your contributions!”

“Our mosaic project is a symbolic way to show how we all play a part in President Carter’s remarkable legacy of service to humanity. Contribute your image or video today!”

Social media users can also send their birthday wishes by using the hashtag “#JimmyCarter99″.

Carter was elected president in 1976, and went on to accomplish a number of goals in the realm of foreign policy, including the Panama Canal treaties and the Camp David Accords. Domestically, his administration enacted the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act and much more. Since leaving the White House, Carter has devoted himself to a number of causes, including democracy promotion and major public health efforts.

In Feb. 2023, after battling several illnesses, the Carter Center announced that the former president had decided against further medical treatment and had entered home hospice care.