Georgia Tech to name student center after John Lewis

Georgia Tech officials want to rename its student center, which is currently being renovated, after John Lewis, the civil rights activist and congressman, who represented the area that included the campus for more than two decades until his death in 2020. (Eric Stirgus/

Credit: Eric Stirgus

Credit: Eric Stirgus

Georgia Tech officials want to rename its student center, which is currently being renovated, after John Lewis, the civil rights activist and congressman, who represented the area that included the campus for more than two decades until his death in 2020. (Eric Stirgus/

The state’s Board of Regents on Tuesday approved a request by Georgia Tech to name its student center after John Lewis, the late Atlanta congressman and civil rights activist.

Lewis, who died last year, represented the congressional district that includes Georgia Tech.

“This is a big deal,” said Board of Regents chairman Sachin Shailendra, a Georgia Tech graduate.

The center, which opened in 1970, is under renovation. It was named after Fred B. Wenn, who was a Georgia Tech faculty member from 1932 to 1958. He’s credited with starting and supporting many student groups during his tenure, such as the Yellow Jacket Club, and the Rambin’ Wreck Parade. He died in 2005.

Georgia Tech plans to install a plaque in the interior of the new building honoring Wenn’s contributions to the school.

“John Robert Lewis was a frequent guest of GIT (Georgia Institute of Technology) during his decades of public service representing Georgia’s 5th congressional district,” a memo with details about the plan said on Regents’ agenda. “He was always willing to impart leadership wisdom to students, faculty, and staff, provide many student internship opportunities, and serve as a strong advocate for federal programs of importance to students, including the Pell Grant and Federal Work-Study programs.”

John Lewis signed paperwork to qualify for reelection to his congressional seat in March 2020. (Bob Andres /


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