Homeowners in danger of foreclosure whose mortgages are owned or serviced by Wells Fargo Bank may seek refinancings or reductions in principal at events Wednesday and Thursday.
Wells Fargo, the largest home lender in metro Atlanta, has invited 9,000 mortgage payers to workshops from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Georgia World Congress Center in downtown Atlanta.
“This is an opportunity to sit down face-to-face with a representative and help [homeowners] avoid foreclosure,” said a Wells Fargo senior vice president Hugh Rowden.
Participants who register before the event will have guaranteed spots. Register at www.wfhmevents.com/leadingthewayhome. The website gives information on what documents to bring, such as photo identification, mortgage statements, lists of assets and expenses, pay stubs and copies of tax returns. The documents will be used to determine if there’s a hardship that warrants some form of relief.
Participants can call 800-678-7986 for information and to register.
Rowden encouraged those who are struggling but not yet in foreclosure to attend.
“You don’t have to be behind on your payments,” to get help, he said.
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