Time for every job seeker’s favorite topic: networking. Or, as some of my clients so succinctly put it, “notworking.” As in, “This is not working -- why am I bothering?”

Good question, actually. Any job search process that isn’t producing results should be scrutinized, then either fixed or abandoned. It’s hard to abandon networking, though, since everyone insists it’s the best way to find a job.

I generally add my voice to that chorus, but I will add a caveat: If you absolutely can’t (or won’t) network, you can still get a job. But odds are it will either take longer or be a lesser position than you could otherwise get.

So examine your assumptions carefully when it comes to networking, to ensure you’re not tossing aside a process that you could probably master. To help in that analysis, here are a few of the reasons I commonly hear for why someone “can’t” network:

“I don’t know anyone.” This is a valid point, but it’s not a reason to skip networking. It’s simply a statement of what needs to be fixed in order to network.

“I’m introverted.” Not to be harsh, but welcome to the club. Lots of people are introverts, including many of the people you will be networking with.

“Networking isn’t done in my line of work.” You don’t seriously believe that knowing someone on the inside matters only for certain fields? I didn’t think so.

“I work in government; there’s a strict hiring process and knowing someone doesn’t help.” Oh, please.

“Networking takes too much time.” Since networking can be done by phone, email or in person, it’s hard to imagine that you can’t fit something in. If you don’t have time to network, you don’t have time for job search, and that’s the real issue.

“I have emotional issues and I’m phobic with new people.” OK, you get a pass. Some folks really are debilitated when confronted with new situations and people. If you’re one of them, you’re probably working with counselors already to handle the situation. On the other hand, if you’re merely uncomfortable but not incapacitated, you don’t get a pass after all. This is a life skill that you want to have.

OK, now that we’ve ascertained that nearly everyone can and should network, and that all fields function on the principle that knowing someone on the inside does help, it’s time to buckle down. Space is short, so I’ll be succinct as well. Here are five of my networking tenets:

1. People hire people they like. They can’t like you if they don’t know you.

2. Managers prefer to hire a candidate they know -- and statistics suggest they do this as much as 75 percent of the time.

3. Even if the manager’s choice has fewer skills or credentials than another candidate, if the missing pieces aren’t mission-critical, the manager’s choice will get the nod.

4. Any candidate who is less than perfect for the work (overqualified, underqualified, out of the field for a long period, etc.) must network to get in because the online process will never pass this person forward.

5. Networking produces a better job match, a happier work relationship and, possibly, better wages.

Obviously, I’m a fan of networking. The thing is, I’m only a fan of targeted, time-efficient processes. For example, telling a huge circle of people that you’re unemployed and to “keep you in mind” isn’t targeted and usually isn’t productive.

It’s also a poor bet to set countless meetings to ask people about their own career paths, while hoping desperately that they will offer you a job or contact. This is usually called informational interviewing and, while it plays a very important role in the career exploration process, it’s the weak sister of networking for a job. If you’re still conducting these meetings long after you know what you want to do and where, you are wasting time and burning contacts.

Another process I dislike (intensely, I might add) is the one-sided “elevator speech” that so often passes for networking. The preparation involved in creating the pitch is usually beneficial; it’s the concept of backing someone into a corner and blurting it out that makes reasonable people cringe. If this image has been holding you back from networking overall, you’re in luck: It’s not truly networking, and you don’t have to do it.

Next week, I’ll present some ideas for effective networking and steps to get started on the right path. Here’s some good news: It’s easier and less intrusive than you think, and actually fun sometimes. I promise!

Amy Lindgren owns Prototype Career Service, a career consulting firm in St. Paul. She can be reached at alindgren@prototypecareerservice.com or at 626 Armstrong Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102.