April 22-25

The Georgia Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses section conference will be at the King and Prince Beach & Golf Resort on St. Simons Island. The conference will feature sessions about public cord blood banking, IHI perinatal improvement, leadership and charge nurse roles, the childbirth connection blueprint and others. The fee for early registration for AWHONN members is $195. Contact hours will be available. Sessions will end early enough for attendees to enjoy some beach time. For information, go to http://awhonngaconference.info.

May 18-19

The fifth annual Oncology Nursing Symposium will be presented by the Northside Hospital Cancer Institute. The conference, which will be at the Atlanta Marriott Century Center, will feature the latest information about current and emerging therapies in oncology. The topics will include brain cancer, head and neck cancer, gynecological cancers and pharmacology. The cost is $40 ($50 after April 20) for attendees and $25 for Northside Hospital employees and students. Nine contact hours have been applied for with the Georgia Nurses Association. For information and online registration, go to www.etouches.com/Northside2012.

May 21-23

The “Emory Diabetes Educator Certificate Course at Grady” will be at the Emory Faculty Office Building (49 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive in Atlanta). This seminar is open to nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, social workers and others interested in the management and education of people with diabetes. Professionals preparing to take the certified diabetes educator exam will find the course helpful. Time is allocated for observations in the clinical setting with members of health care teams. Attendees must have a degree or diploma in a health profession. The course is also open to students preparing to take their licensure examination. The cost, which includes materials, is $375. For information, go to www.medicine.emory.edu/diabetescourse.

Contact us

To publicize a continuing education course or event, send information to jbrieske@ajc.com. The deadline for publication is the 10th of the month prior to the event.