GHSF Daily asked Georgia head coaches to answer these four questions. We'll report from a different head coach each day.
Lee Chomskis, Vidalia
1. What is the most memorable game you've been a part of as a player or coach?"The most memorable game as a coach: It is a tie. The 1994 AA state championship game, Screven County vs. Washington County. First state championship game played in Screven County history. The stadium was packed at 4 p.m. for a 7:30 kickoff. Incredible atmosphere! WACO had players such as Takeo Spikes and Jeremy Brett. We had Anthony Lonon and Audrell Grace! The second was the Class A state championship of 2005. Lincoln County vs Washington-Wilkes. An electric atmosphere with two small-town rivals playing for it all. It was standing room only. An atmosphere you will never get in the [Georgia] Dome!"
2. Which high school coach would you want your son to play for, and why?"I would want my son to play for Dan Pitts. Coach Pitts had a knack for getting the best out of people. He ran a disciplined program that taught young men much more than the game of football. There are so many men today that would tell you that they owe Dan Pitts for helping them become who they are today The tradition that was established at Mary Persons by Coach Pitts is still alive today."
3. What is your favorite saying/motto?"Do the little things right!"
4. Which GHSA policy or high school football rule would you most like to see changed?"I would like to see a complete separation of public and private schools. It is an uneven playing field, and everyone knows it!"
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