GHSF Daily asked Georgia head coaches to answer these four questions. We'll report from a different head coach each day.
Ken Cofer, Bacon County
1. What is the most memorable game you've been a part of as a player or coach? "In my first game as head coach at Cook High School, we had to play No. 19 in the nation Colquitt County in Moultrie. We managed to pull off a 15-9 win, and it fueled us for the rest of the year."
2. Which high school coach would you want your son to play for, and why? "The same guy I played for in high school, coach Ken Phillips. He was a second father to all of us, and he was always doing something crazy to lighten the mood at practice." [Phillips was an assistant coach at the time at Cofer's alma mater, Paulding County.]
3. What is your pet peeve as a coach or favorite saying/motto? "Kids having all kinds of God-given talent and never using all of it, or throwing it all away to hit the streets. Happens all the time. Motto: 'It doesn't take Talent to Hustle.'"
4. Which GHSA policy or high school football rule would you most like to see changed? "Leveling the playing field as much as possible. Not so sure that's not about to happen."
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