To fill the days until Atlanta United resumes play, here is a country-by-country, way-too-early alphabetical look at each team that has qualified to play in the World Cup in Russia next summer:


FIFA rank: 5.

Coach: Roberto Martinez.

Previous appearances: 12 (1930, 1934, 1938, 1954, 1970, 1982, 1986, 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2014).

Best finish: Semifinals (1986).

Nickname: The Red Devils.

Top goal-scorer during qualification: Romelu Lukaku (11).

Goals scored/allowed during qualification: 43/6.

World Cup group: G, with along England, Tunisia and Panama.

Population: 11.35 million.

GDP (rank): 462.715 (25).

Cool fact: According to, the name Belgium originated with the Romans, who called the area Gallia Belgica after a group of people known as Belgae.

Any ties to Atlanta United? No.

Previous World Cup capsules:

