In what can only be called brilliance in advertising, Foot Locker presents irony and sports in a whole new light.
In the "Week of Greatness" spot, the NBA's Kyrie Irving dreams up a better world in which sneakers can right some of sports' infamous moments.
In the spot a sheepish Mike Tyson shows up at Evander Holyfield's home, says he sorry and presents him with a small box as a token of apology. It turns out it's Holyfield's ear, which Tyson infamously chomped on during their 1997 rematch.
"I kept it in formaldehyde," Tyson says and the two hug it out. Awww.
In another portion of the spot Dennis Rodman buys a one-way ticket to North Korea. Applause and glee breaks out. "He's never coming back!"
Brett Favre walks away ... from pie. "Man's got to know when to walk away." Truer words never spoken.
And Craig Sager, finally takes Kevin Garnett's advice, and burns his suits. Thank, God!
Now, go buy some shoes.