Study: One sugary drink a day increases chance of liver cancer in women

Consuming sugary drinks has previously been linked to developing cardiovascular and heart diseases

Sugary drinks , linked to high risk of liver cancer, , new study finds.The study was conducted by researchers with several universities, including Harvard and the University of South Carolina.It was presented at the annual conference of the American Society for Nutrition in mid-June. .To conduct the study, researchers analyzed the health data of more than 90,000 women over the age of 50.The study looked at data from across 19 years.Analysts searched for patterns between drinking sugary beverages and liver cancer. .According to the analysis, .drinking just one sugary beverage a day equated to a 73% increase in the development of liver cancer.Those who drank more than one sugary beverage a day had a 78% higher risk of developing liver cancer.The daily sugary beverage drinkers were compared to those patients who drank fewer than four sugary beverages a month.According to the American Cancer Society, cases of cancer and cancer-related deaths in the U.S. are increasing.The World Cancer Research Fund International estimates that liver cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed forms of the disease.The lead study author suggested in a press release that replacing sugary drinks may lower the risk of cancer.Replacing sugar-sweetened beverages with water, and non-sugar-sweetened coffee or tea could significantly lower liver cancer risk, Longgang Zhao, Lead Study Author University of South Carolina, via Insider.The authors also stated that more research is necessary to understand the link between sugary beverages and liver cancer

Consuming just one sugary drink a day can increase a woman’s chance of developing liver cancer, according to research by various institutions that was presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition.

Researchers, including those from the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and the University of South Carolina in Columbia, analyzed data from 90,504 postmenopausal wome, ages 50-79, for nearly 19 years.

Subjects were part of the Women’s Health Initiative observational study and clinical trials excluding Dietary Modification Trial participants.

According to the data, women who had one sweetened drink each day were 73% more likely to develop liver cancer than women who had three or fewer such drinks in a month. Women who drank one or more sweet beverages daily had a 78% higher risk, the data showed.

Consuming sugary drinks has previously been linked to developing cardiovascular and heart diseases.

Although soft drink consumption in the United States dipped again for the 13th straight year in 2018, we still drank 38.87 gallons per person. The U.S. has some of the highest consumption rates in the world, with over 50% of respondents of a recent international survey stating that they consumed soft drinks at least multiple times in a week, if not every day, according to Statista.

“If our findings are confirmed, reducing sugar-sweetened beverage consumption might serve as a public health strategy to reduce liver cancer burden,” Longgang Zhao, lead author of the study and doctoral candidate at the University of South Carolina, said in a press release. “Replacing sugar-sweetened beverages with water, and non-sugar-sweetened coffee or tea could significantly lower liver cancer risk.”

According to the World Cancer Research Fund International, liver cancer is the sixth most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world, with both diagnosed cases and related deaths on the rise in the U.S.

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