North Carolina startup is bringing tech-savvy college students to the caregiving industry

Across the planet, five "Blue Zones" represent regions where people live the longest.Blue Zones host a variety of cuisines, such as Japanese, Costa Rica, Greek and Italian.Here are six foods to incorporate into your diet if you want to give living to 100 or older your best shot.Legumes such as lentils, beans and peas, Blue Zone diet guidelines suggest at least half a cup per day.Whole grains, In addition to providing carbs, grains like buckwheat, whole wheat and couscous provide up to 6 grams of protein per cup.Nuts and seeds, Touted by many as the staple Blue Zones snack, they also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduceinflammation and reduce the risk of heart disease.Fish (in moderation), No more than 3 ounces about three time per week is typical in Blue Zones. Give sardines and anchovies a try, as they're not exposed to as many toxins as other fish.Dairy, usually from sheep and goats (in moderation), Full fat versions are preferred, as low fat options tends to have more additives.Occasional eggs, Typically eaten about four to six times per week in Blue Zones, eggs, which are packed with B vitamins and protein, are often accompanied by plant foods such as beans or included in soups

Caregiving is a public health sector that affects millions of Americans. According to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the need for caregivers is expected to only increase with time. Currently, there are an estimated seven potential family caregivers per U.S. adult. But by 2030, that estimate is expected to shrink to four. As the country’s population of older adults continues to grow, the number will continue to shrink.

North Carolina startup CareYaya is getting creative with finding ways fill the most critical gaps in today’s caregiving industry. Described as “Uber for caregiving,” CEO and co-founder Neal Shah told Hypepotamus that the platform is designed to connect older adults in need of care with tech-savvy college students ready to help.

Less than 25% of those who apply are selected to become “Joy Givers” on the platform, as Shah’s goal is to recruit students interested in pursuing a career in health care.

“The baseline is that we want people who are interested in the healthcare field and health professions,” he told Hypepotamus. “But really we want to bring joy and happiness to people. I think a lot of times in the traditional care industry, people want to go do a task like help [someone] with going to the bathroom or with meal preparation. But we really feel like what is ignored is the opportunity to encourage and bring joy.”

The North Carolina startup is now expanding into Tennessee and Georgia. The service is already live in Atlanta, and fellow caregiving startup Age Tech’s Jeffrey Gray is excited.

“I think CaraYaya’s unique student ‘careforce’ is one of the smartest innovations I’ve seen, and the economics are a win for all of the stakeholders they serve,” he told Hypeotamus. “I’m excited that they’re coming to Atlanta and have joined the growing AgeTech Atlanta community.”