America needs a strong president

An “inconvenient” truth has eventually been publicly acknowledged. Notable Democrat strategist James Carville told a few weeks earlier that a poll of Americans (not just of the Democrat Party) showed that 72% wanted someone different than Joe Biden for president. With this party’s very name implying seeking the choice of “of the people” (democracy), how could this party not be offering a change? That was obviously backward, with only a small percentage telling everyone else they should back the person whom most Americans would not back.

A nation cannot be run on bluff and bluster. There must be substance backing our position in facing adversaries. We have very active enemies seeking to take us down, whether by war from outside, infiltration inside, or both. They are watching intently to grasp their best opportunity. A partially functioning leadership generates an open invitation for them.

America needs a strong president who is not encumbered from functioning at any time -- day or night.


Democrats want to win by whatever means necessary

All we know about the Democratic establishment currently running the country is that they’ll say and do anything to gain and keep power. Nominating a well-intentioned but forgetful old man who will say and do as he’s told? Great idea. Lying about the con for years? Sure! Dropping him like a hot potato when polls show him losing? Done.

Next step -- Plan B, Kamala, gets a trial period. If polls improve, she’s the choice. Otherwise, there will be an open convention and a move onto Plan C. Win by whatever means necessary.

What we don’t know: Who are these people? What election did they win? Why should we trust these folks to save democracy?