Jan. 6 panel a waste of taxpayer money

How cozy! Seven Democrats and one Republican. Liz Cheney is a closet Democrat and should resign from the Republican party. She’s almost as bad as Nancy Pelosi. The panel is getting into high gear now that President Trump is showing signs of reclaiming his status as head of the Republican party. He puts the Democrats into a state of panic and it shows when they choose a failed tormentor that lost her high position in the party. But it fits with Pelosi’s underhanded political tactics.

Plundering the White House was the action of some overzealous nitwits while those who only wanted to show support for our president were no different than Democrat political activists everywhere. But they should have known Pelosi and her posse would try to make the most of it while strutting around like gamecocks.

The panel is a waste of taxpayer dollars.


Future of climate change in Georgia looks grim

Some of us used to think that our warming climate would make Canada the ideal homeland. We overlooked the capriciousness of weather influenced by a warmer climate, but heat wave survivors in Vancouver do understand it now (“Dozens of deaths may be tied to heat wave in Northwest,” News, July 1).

Georgia has quickly become accustomed to our share of fallout from a changing climate – increasingly ferocious hurricanes, “tornado alley” moving south, and winterless winters. But will we get used to daily highs near 115 degrees, when it’s our turn, or to an entire summer too hot for outside work? The last 10 years have seen a tremendous increase in natural disasters, and in billions laid out to put things right again – much more than the previous decade. So what will the forties and fifties bring? We don’t want to know, but if our legislators would bury the hatchet and do their jobs, we might escape the worst of it.