It’s no secret water is good for the body. It keeps you hydrated and can help manage your weight. It can also help you feel more rested, according to a new report.

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Researchers from Penn State University recently conducted a study, published in the Sleep journal, to determine the association between sleep and hydration status.

To do so, they examined more than 20,000 adults in the United States and China. Participants were required to provide a urine sample so analysts could determine their level of hydration. They also answered questions about their sleep patterns.

After analyzing the results, they found those who only slept six hours a night had significantly more concentrated urine in their systems, compared to those who got eight hours. They also said those who slept for six hours had up to a 59 percent higher chance of being inadequately hydrated, compared to adults who got in eight hours.

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"If you are only getting six hours of sleep a night, it can affect your hydration status," coauthor Asher Rosinger said in a statement. "This study suggests that if you're not getting enough sleep, and you feel bad or tired the next day, drink extra water."

The scientists believe vasopressin, a hormone that helps regulate hydration in the body, is responsible for the link between hydration and sleep.

“Vasopressin is released both more quickly and later on in the sleep cycle,” Rosinger explained. “So, if you’re waking up earlier, you might miss that window in which more of the hormone is released, causing a disruption in the body’s hydration.”

Dehydration can negatively affect many of the body’s systems and functions. It can alter your cognition, mood and physical performance and can lead to more serious issues like urinary tract infections and kidney stones.

Want to learn more about the findings? Take a look at the full assessment here.

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