If you're still looking for information to help decide your vote, you can find it today's newspaper and at ajc.com/voterguide. Use the Twitter hash tag #ajcvotes to report what you see at your polling place. While you're visiting the site, don't forget to view our interactive feature, "Why I Voted," which uses the hash tag #whyivoted.
To follow AJC Election coverage on your phone: http://m.ajc.com/s/news/election-2012/
As the vote-counting begins tonight at 7 p.m., you can follow up-to-the-minute results on AJC.com. We'll be staffed around the clock and will be providing live updates on the presidential race, the charter school amendment, and other races from around the country, from around Georgia and from around the metro area.
On Wednesday in our print edition, we've added 10 pages of coverage devoted to the elections. We've also adjusted deadlines so that we can bring you the latest news.
No matter the outcome, it'll be a historic day for our country. And we're excited to share the day with you.
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