» NEED TO VENT? Sound off here.

Trayvon Martin was killed in Florida in Feb 2012. Between Feb 2012 and July 2013 approximately 800 people have been murdered in Chicago. Why has this one case received an exceptional unending amount of media attention while the Chicago 800 have received almost none?

Do not for one minute think that the voters will forget about Obama Care mandate and what its doing to jobs in this country. We will remember even if he is stalling till after the election.

One doesn't get into Heaven by how they die, they get into Heaven by how they live.

Give people an extra year, they will still wait until the last minute.

There seems to be no cure for willful arrogance, egotism, obnoxious behavior and sarcasm. Those maladies are pandemic.

The leader in false advertising: "one size fits all."

There is no argument about what the Bible or Constitution says. We can only argue about what it means. And we do that incessantly.

Same sex marriage is a legal tool that allows receiving of benefits from the government. From a religious standpoint, at best it is a civil union. Religion doesn't deal in legalities.

Only in Georgia can you be a sheriff and not a law enforcement officer.

Given what we are learning about our government maybe these show like 24, The Unit, and Jason Bourne aren't so far fetched.

How much more rain will it take to end the drought?

Who do you think will win the Peachtree Road Swim?