As a class room teacher with 33 years experience, I am sure that the President and the Attorney General’s opinion on discipline in schools would change if they spent a year in a lot of our schools.
It’s not that people have quit looking for work. We’re still looking for work. It’s just that since we’re not receiving benefits that we’re not being counted.
$20 trillion averages $1/year/person for 50 years? Another indictment of the government run educational system. Someone is either terribly lacking in basic math skills, hopelessly gullible, or both.
For the same reason we need to stop the “war” on drugs. We spend more money fighting a never ending battle then it would cost to provide free rehab clinics which would actually help the users.
I am very glad to see the archaic beliefs and ideals about marijuana are slowly changing. The medical benefits to those who are so very sick has been well documented.
Cutting the grass doesn’t have to be done NEARLY as often as preparing a meal - especially in the winter.
Only a people losing their technical edge would ridicule the fortunes of scientists trying to do rigorous observation.
Please identify the Northern bankrupt welfare states and then describe the morally bankrupt Republican-led government of Georgia struggling with defining ethics.
So sorry you are paying higher prices by not shopping at Wal-mart, Target and Sears—all for Paula Deene?
Excuse me! Guns have only ONE enemy—the dead victim.
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