Legendary comic actor Robin Williams, who died Monday at age 63, spent time in Atlanta last year filming "A Friggin' Christmas Miracle," a movie with Candice Bergen, Lauren Graham, Joel McHale and Oliver Platt that produced scenes in Stone Mountain and Norcross. It's since changed names (not uncommon with movies mid-production) and will be released as "Merry Friggin' Christmas."
"RIP Robin Williams," McHale tweeted. "You were one of the very best that ever was. You were one of my heroes."
During his time here Williams made a surrprise appearance at Laughing Skull Lounge, an Atlanta comedy club in April 2013. Williams delighted the audience at Midtown club, where he riffed on The Walking Dead, Christopher Walken and Lindsay Lohan.
Williams upcoming movie is ensemble comedy with Lauren Graham, Joel McHale, Oliver Platt, Ryan Lee and Candice Bergen. (Wow that's some cast!) The movie filmed in the Smokerise subdivision in Stone Mountain at a couple of homes and the crew parked at Eastminister Presbyterian on Hugh Howell Road, not far from Stone Mountain Park.
While in Atlanta Williams tweeted a snapshot of his fellow cast members, in a setting that looks very much like a front yard of a suburban Atlanta home, with dogwoods and azaleas in bloom.
Robin Williams remembered
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