Incensed by what he saw as a "juvenile parody" that used "tasteless sarcasm" to mock Christianity, Gov. Greg Abbott Tuesday successfully urged the State Preservation Board, whose staff had approved the display, to remove a Capitol holiday display produced by the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation.

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The display, on view in the Capitol basement since Friday, was intended to celebrate the Bill of Rights and the winter solstice. It showed a Bill of Rights in a manger and had a sign that said, "At this season of the Winter Solstice, we honor reason and the Bill of Rights. (Adopted Dec. 15, 1791). Keep State and Church Separate."

In his letter to the Preservation Board, Abbott complained that the “exhibit places the Bill of Rights in a manger and shows three founding fathers and the Statue of Liberty worshipping one of America’s founding documents as a replacement for Jesus Christ. This juvenile parody violates the Preservation Board’s regulations and should be removed immediately.”

Abbott is chairman of the Preservation Board.