Liberal media’s unspoken bias doesn’t go unnoticed
The Today’s Explainer article in the March 25 AJC about Andrew McCabe’s firing extinguishes my once-hope that you publish only “balanced views.” Written by a New York Times writer, the “Explainer” omits the following critical facts: The Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General found that McCabe “lacked candor,” a firing offense within the FBI, when he spoke to investigators about his decision to authorize two FBI officials to speak to the media about the Clinton investigation, according to those who have seen the report. After that the FBI’s own Office of Professional Responsibility recommended to Attorney General Jeff Sessions that he fire McCabe.
The writer certainly would have known these facts, yet intentionally omitted them to prejudice readers in favor of his viewpoint, and now you are his accomplice by posting it in the news section and nowhere near the opinion pages.
Reality TV star president shouldn’t sink nation
Poor Donald Trump. I finally realized the reason he is firing everyone in sight is because he misses his reality show – even though he does not admit ratings were going down for that show, and that is why it is no longer on TV. He is now able to fire everyone in the White House to make him feel good again, and now his ratings are going down again. In this case, we the people of the United States of America are the ones who will suffer. I am hopping Mr. Mueller will have the strength to keep this investigation going to keep this poor Donald Trump from ever bringing this wonderful country to a standstill. CAROL MULDAWER, ATLANTA
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