Seems names, not practices, have changed at City Hall

While it’s just great Atlanta Mayor Bottoms has decided to repay the city for her husband’s Super Bowl flights and to return on coach seats, the whole mess raises more questions:

Who decided the delegation actually needed to attend the Super Bowl? Wouldn’t a conference call with officials in Minneapolis after the Super Bowl – to ask, what preparations did you make, what went well, what would you do differently – have done the job? Who thought it was a good idea to purchase first-class tickets, or to use a city purchasing card to buy them, or to buy the tickets only nine days before the game? It would seem the culture of, “Well, it’s not as though it’s our money we’re spending,” has continued. Only the players at the top have changed. None of it passes the “smell test.” Shame on you, Mayor Bottoms.


Cold-hearted immigration policy reflects poorly on U.S.

We stop people on our Mexican border who are desperately vulnerable, who are homeless and who are at times, quite literally, running for their lives. We stop them as they are coming here illegally. And then to make sure the message of how badly America wants to protect its borders gets spread, we take their children from them. Maybe this is the America we’ve become. Maybe it’s the America we’ve always been. We’ve stated since January 2017 that America comes first. Seems we are now selling our soul to make good on that cold promise made by Mr. Trump. I’m afraid that “Make America Great Again” means something totally (and terribly) different to our president. And this new take-the-children policy – under his and Jeff Sessions’ guise of immigration reform – is just another view of what he thinks America is or should become. Most others think he’s wrong.