Liberals’ verbal tirades are offensive, tiresome

Leonard Pitts Jr. has a point in, “What’s truly obscene is GOP’s assault on U.S. ideals” (Opinion, Jan. 13), when he says “foul language, used ubiquitously, loses its primary value, i.e., its ability to shock or to state a thing with force.” Would that he had similar sensibilities about the prolific use of some other words, words used and abused to the point of being pointless, their meaning all but lost through knee-jerk deployment and misapplication. Words such as racist, bigot, homophobe and xenophobe are applied with such frequency that they’ve almost become a standard salutation in some circles. Many conversations on cable “news” shows — or opinions in left-leaning editorials — can’t commence without such terms first being used. They are the starting point in arguments where they previously were the end point … or not seen fit to utter at all.


Dems care about people once they leave womb

Let’s be real, particularly given the recent March for Life weekend. The Republican Party is anti-abortion and should be corrected whenever they try to use the term “pro-life.” They are blatantly anti-life, if that life is poor, sick, elderly or disabled, intellectually challenged or mentally ill, or immigrant, whether legal or illegal. Consistently, Republicans vote to dismantle portions of the safety net for vulnerable people that had been put in place years ago. They vote to limit or take away items necessary for people to survive: food, adequate housing, education, job training, assistance to pregnant women, child care and medical care for physical or mental problems. The Democratic Party is not pro-life, but at least they are honest about it. I praise those who, regardless of party affiliation, advocate for the rights of all Americans, born or still in the womb.