Nearly $1 million has been stolen from a Jewish charity in Texas, according to federal court filings that were revealed Tuesday, WFAA reported.

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The filings allege that Laurie Reese, the longtime controller of the Jewish Federation of Fort Worth and Tarrant County, engaged in a "fraudulent scheme" by writing more than 300 checks to herself over a five-year period beginning in 2013, the television station reported. Reese allegedly forged the signature of one of the nonprofit organization's executives and used the signature stamp of another, the documents say.

"It's very painful. A million dollars," Roger Nober, one of the nonprofit's board members, told WFAA.

An audit uncovered discrepancies in April, the television station reported.

"It involved forged checks and banks, so it was referred to the FBI and ultimately the U.S. attorney," Nober told WFAA. "We're an organization that people give to because we do good."

U.S. attorney spokeswoman Davilyn Waltson told the television station that a plea deal was pending with Reese and that a federal judge would then decide to sentence Reese on bank fraud charges.

"It's very sad, but we've had a lot of support," Nober told WFAA, adding that strict guidelines are now in place to prevent future fraud schemes. "We cover so much: elderly people, and folks with fewer resources. We purchase education materials for young people, and do camps for underprivileged people."